
Art of illusion discography.rar
Art of illusion discography.rar

I realise that I am probably in a minority of one, but then that’s nothing unusual. Highly arranged and incredibly well played, this should be a 5* review, but it isn’t. But, and it is a fairly big but, they just bring in all these other elements that for me really drop the album instead of lifting it. These guys can really blast it out, in perfect unison, and when they soar then this is just stunning. It can come across as really cheesy 70’s pap, but there are other times when the jaw just hits the table when listening to the speed and interplay between all those involved. There are times when this crosses into funk and disco, and that annoying music you used to get in the cinema when they were about to play the adverts.

art of illusion discography.rar

That the three singers are wonderful vocalists, that the songs are incredibly structured and well played is never in doubt, but there are just too many forms and styles of music being brought in that I just don’t like. Guess which camp I fall into? This is an album that I have actually enjoyed less the more I have played it, and I am sure that this is because instead of seeing this rock opera as an incredible piece of art I instead see it as an opportunity missed. There are those who are going to rave about it (I was approached by someone who told me that I had to listen to this as these guys were the new Haken!), and there are others that will feel that in many ways it is just too clever for its’ own good. This is an album that is going to have two quite different responses. It has much of the usual issues of bands who want to come across as "progger than prog", in that the technical flashiness ends up a little empty and coherent songwriting, storytelling and the development of emotional mood and atmosphere end up suffering just because someone wanted to add a quirky little bit here or there. However, it doesn't quite stand up to repeated listens as well as it could, and with the passage of time I found myself drawn back to it less and less. The end result is a fun, playful debut which reminds me of what might happen if Disco Volante-era Mr Bungle ended up listening to a lot of early Marillion and Pendragon at its best points. The lyrics and story may come across a little cheesy - not to mention bizarre and over the top - but subtlety and restraint clearly aren't the order of the day here. Gerald Peter has assembled a compelling unit here comprising not just a finely honed band but also three (!) vocalists - Taris Brown, whose gentle delivery reminds me a little of Roine Stolt, and the powerful Cara Cole and Elga Shafran, each of whom takes the role of a different character in the story.

art of illusion discography.rar

A completely crazed neo-prog/retro-prog/progressive symphonic metal/avant-groove concept album with occasional funk disco moments, this debut from Circle of Illusion offers more genres than you'd find in an entire record shop, often within the bounds of a single song.

Art of illusion discography.rar